Kehinde is an associate with one of Nigeria’s foremost commercial law firm, Aluko & Oyebode. He currently operates with the firm’s litigation department and has participated in numerous cases involving international oil companies before the Nigerian courts.

He also carries out a broad range of corporate work including guiding companies through the incorporation process, performing regulatory searches and enquiries, processing security documentation regarding loans and financing at the Corporate Affairs Commission, as well as conducting winding-up activities.

Kehinde was a lead member of a team that successfully incorporated the first indigenous pawnbroking company in Nigeria. Kehinde is currently on the team representing the Eni entities in Nigeria in a string of litigation cases involving the Oil Prospecting License (OPL) 245 “Malabu Oil deal”.

He is also a key member of the team representing the Korea National Oil Corporation regarding the negotiation of arrangements with the Federal Government of Nigeria for the refund of a signature bonus and other exploration expenses related to OPLs 321 and 323.

Kehinde has a deep passion for courtroom advocacy and enjoys being involved in complex legal issues and commercial transactions to sharpen his legal craftsmanship.